The estuary: a mosaic of habitat and species

1 min read

The Tagliamento estuary is characterized by a very complex mosaic made up of over a dozen different habitats, whose conservation is considered a priority at the European level.

 The natural characteristics, the richness of varied habitats, the presence of rare floral species make this ecosystem unique at both national and European scale, and it is recognized as a Site of Community Importance.

Credits: Giosuè Cuccurullo
Credits: Foce del Tagliamento ODV

The presence of the last well-preserved fossil dunes, remnants of the ancient sandy ridges that once extended from east to west throughout the Lignano and Bibione Peninsula (as documented in ancient maps), perhaps represents the most important element for conservation.

Credits: Franco Scaini
Excerpt of historical map showing the Lignano area prior to urbanization. Dunes and woods are clearly marked on the map. Credits: Franco Scaini

Even the wetlands behind the dunes are rich in floristic species of considerable importance. In this scenario, which remains perfectly preserved in some parts, there is an extremely high biodiversity. Species of typically Alpine origin coexist with other plants of typically Mediterranean scrub origin, along with species of Balkan Steppic origin.

Credits: Giosuè Cuccurullo
Credits: Foce del Tagliamento ODV

There are about forty plant communities, twenty of which are subject to conservation protection by the European Union. The rarest and most important presence is the Fairy Flax or Stipa Veneta Moraldo, an endemism of the paleo-dunes of the Upper Adriatic, which in this site represents the only Friulian colony and perhaps the best-preserved one overall.